XL-Space (Area 501-1,000 sq.m)

Sale Price:THB 800.00 Original Price:THB 1,000.00

This rate apply for the designed area which from 501 sq.m and not over than 1,000 sq.m. The design fee depends on the designed area. You can use this rate multiplied by the area for the design service fee.


  • This shown unit price is per sq.m.

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This rate apply for the designed area which from 501 sq.m and not over than 1,000 sq.m. The design fee depends on the designed area. You can use this rate multiplied by the area for the design service fee.


  • This shown unit price is per sq.m.

This rate apply for the designed area which from 501 sq.m and not over than 1,000 sq.m. The design fee depends on the designed area. You can use this rate multiplied by the area for the design service fee.


  • This shown unit price is per sq.m.